Table of Contents

Magic Mountain!

What happens when it rains?

Park attendance drops if we can wait out the rain.

What rides do we go on from park opening?

We should arrive at the parking lot over one hour before Magic Mountain officially opens. These strategies focus on reducing the walk time between popular rides with the longest wait times.

Left from Entrance

  1. X2
  2. Tatsu
  3. West Coast Racers
  4. Apocalypse
  5. Superman: Escape
  6. Ninja
  7. Lunch

Difference from going right: Full Throttle, Goliath & Twisted Colossus

Right from Entrance

  1. Full Throttle ← this is a low capacity per hour roller coaster
  2. Goliath
  3. Twisted Colossus
  4. West Coast Racers
  5. Apocalypse
  6. Superman: Escape
  7. Ninja
  8. Lunch

Difference from going left: Tatsu & X2

After Lunch

Crowds thin out near closing. We can board popular rides that were missed and repeat any based on how busy the park is that day.

Longest Lines

  1. West Coast Racers ← newest ride at Magic Mountain / opened on January 9th, 2020
  2. Full Throttle ← world's tallest and fastest loop when it opened
  3. X2 ← first 4th dimension roller coaster built and still highly ranked worldwide
  4. Tatsu ← world's tallest, fastest and longest face down type roller coaster when it opened
  5. Twisted Colossus ← world's longest hybrid roller coaster when it opened
  6. Goliath ← world's longest drop and fastest roller coaster when it opened